Rfc viewer

RFC Viewer

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RFC Viewer is a powerful RFC browsing utility for networking program and protocol developers. It parses the original RFC file, and generates a section directory tree as well as a page index for content browsing. Users can select to view original RFC document, or to hide each page's header and footer. Other features include section titles highlighting, multiple RFC documents viewing concurrently, and colorful RFC document printing.

RFC Viewer is the first full-featured RFC viewing utility and also the only one in the world until now . Previously, when develop a network protocol program, you have to browse the RFC documents for reference with notepad or other common editors through the whole developing period. But a RFC document is organized by a section architecture, and common editors can't recognize and highlight sections. Therefore, it is very hard and inconvenient to read RFC documents. Now, with the emergence of RFC Viewer, things are different. You can easily read and print RFC d

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