Shop til you drop

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Shop 'Til You Drop is a software package which aims to make your supermarket shopping trips as swift, cheap and painless as possible.
Shop 'Til You Drop maintains a list of all the items which you buy regularly, allowing you to compile and print off a Shopping List which lists items in the order in which you walk round the supermarket.
No more searching up and down the shopping list to find the next product. You simply start at the top of the list and work down as you move from aisle to aisle.
If you sometimes visit more than one shop or buy different sizes or brands of a product, Shop 'Til You Drop can optimize your shopping list to save you money.
Shop 'Til You Drop will also print off a handy Fridge List of all the products currently held in the program for you to stick on your fridge. As you use up each product, simply tick it off on the list. When shopping day comes around you can be sure that your new shopping list will be complete.
Shop 'Til You Drop works by allowing you to cre

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