Simply estimating

Simply Estimating

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Creating & managing your estimates has been simplified by grouping estimates by customers names. You can simply type in a customers name and a list of every estimate produced for that customer is displayed. Each estimate can be viewed, edited and updated if necessary.

Never again submit an estimate where you forget to enter the quantity for a particular item, or add a custom part to an estimate & forget to price it. The estimate is scanned & `blank` or `0` quantity and material-cost columns are highlighted to bring this fact to your attention

The heart of any estimating software lies in its DataSource (a collection of materials & associated prices (and optionally the associated labor-units)). You can create your own DataSource from scratch, or modify one of the sample DataSources included with the Estimating module. The DataSource is fully customizable and adding Sections, SubSections, and Items has been simplified. You can also convert an existing materials database that you a

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