System control manager

System Control Manager

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System Control Manafer is mainly a security tool for Windows.
System Control Manafer can disable all services which might be a security-risk for your computer.
System Control Manafer also includes privacy features for Internet Explorer, Media Player, and of course: Mozilla Firefox.

Here are some key features of "System Control Manager":

protects agains viruses, worms and malicious code by disabling unsecure operating system components
protects against hackers and script-kiddies
pretection agains unknown vunlerabilites (0 day protection)
nearly 100 functions to secure Windows XP, Media Player, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox
full control over Windows Update: only enable and run it on monthly patch-day
integrated trace-deleter erases traces of Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Flash Player, the DNS Cache, and some other entries from the registry.

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