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While the other guys are still declaring variables, get the job done with TEXTools -- the powerful, pipe-based text processing workbench for Windows that allows you to morph text into other forms by simply combining filters. Do things to text like you've never done before with a minimal number of lines of code. Easier to develop, maintain and debug than traditional code, pipes are the ultimate solution to those everyday text editing problems. TEXTools' streamlined user interface seamlessly integrates 69 text translation filters, giving you the power to easily accomplish the most challenging editing tasks. Search and replace text in web pages, convert between CSV, comma-delimited, tab-delimited and fixed-width files, extract logfile data, manipulate XML data, convert between PC, Mac and Unix text files, edit mailing lists, extract email addresses, maintain lists of keywords, format source code, automate interactive processes -- all this and more by simply combining filters! Filters

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