Thumbs.db viewer

Thumbs.db Viewer

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Thumbs.db Viewer was written to give the computer user tools to reconstruct Thumbs.db, ehthumbs.db, thumbcache_*.db (Windows Vista,Windows 7) and iconcache_*.db (Windows 8/10) database records.
Thumbs.db is a hidden system file generated automatically by Windows when you view the contents of a folder in 'Thumbnail' or 'Filmstrip' view. Thumbs.db contains a copy of each of the tiny preview images generated for image files in that folder so that they load up quickly the next time you browse that folder.
Thumbs.db is actually a database of the miniature images that exist in the folder from which they were initiated. The early versions of Thumbs.db files as they appeared in Windows ME/W2k contained not only the thumbnail image of the parent file, but also the filename, drive letter, and path to that image. Later versions, Windows XP, store the image and its filename but not the path. In Windows Vista/7/8/10 the Thumbs.db file has been replaced by several 'thumbcache_*.db' files which are n

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