Time zones map in flash

Time Zones Map in Flash

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Time Zones Map is the flash world time map featuring the time peculiarities of more then 50 cities all over the world. Its eye-catching but still pleasant design, varied functions and multiple application abilities combine everything the ultra-modern flash world time map must have.

You can put our Time Zone Map either on one of your website’s pages or put a banner, which would display slide show of current time in different cities and link to the its full version in the pop-up window. Let alone your own satisfaction from spotting a useful trinket on the desktop.

Buying our Time Zones Map you get:

• Easy customization and integration to any website
• Ready-to-use flash world time map with no HTML or Flash knowledge required
• 20+ high quality images for the timezones map background
• Included source code (.fla file)
• Utmost profits from your already customer-orientated website
• And your own satisfaction

Therefore, Time Zones Map greatly boosts your online performance, makes you