Trend micro officescan

Trend Micro OfficeScan

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OfficeScan from Trend Micro is a powerful anti virus and anti spyware protection system trusted by the world's largest companies. TRV Security offers Home and Office customers its unique TRVProtect Service so you can have the corporate level protection for around the same price as traditional antivirus products. Customers with more than one computer receive weekly virus reports to assist you in maintaining a virus free environment.

TRVProtect is a managed security service also offering Outbreak Prevention Protection. This ensures that your computers remain protected against new viruses in MINUTES instead of HOURS or DAYS with traditional anti virus products.

The built-in Firewall and Intrusion Detection System (IDS) also help to prevent WORMS and other threats from reaching your computer. You also get a free PDA module that simply downloads to your wireless device to keep it free from viruses.

We also offer EXCEPTIONAL pricing for non-profit organizations! Come and request spec