Tutor plus

Tutor PLUS

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Tutor PLUS helps tutors to organize and manage their teaching quickly and easily. It supports all the features required for any tutor, also helps tutor's personal management:

Smart Teaching by Presenting the Presentations and ensuring attendance!

Allows your classes anytime with predefined class tasks! Tracks the all classes!

Create courses and manage batches!

Create unlimited courses that you could teach. Setup courses, syllabus and class task once for entire life. Manage unlimited batches efficiently!

Asses batches or selected students!

The software records all the tests conducted by you and analyze student wise and batch wise.

Reporting with SMS and Printed Reports!

Sends SMS to parents or students like, absent alerts, test results or custom information. Generate any report from the records along with envelopes to send to parents or students!

Enjoy personal management!

It also records and manages all the personal information like, money transactions, To Do task Reminders,