Vallum halo manager

Vallum Halo Manager

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Vallum Software is a provider of network monitoring and management solutions. Vallum's flagship solution, the Halo Manager, is a full featured network monitoring and management solution with a NextGen architecture. It is easy to install and use, and there is no complex central server or database to install. The Halo Manager is customizable with special applications called Halo Apps. Halo Apps add functionality to the Halo Manager solution in a modular manner, allowing you to customize Halo Manager to your needs. Halo Apps can have a nearly endless array of capabilities, and are easy to download and install. You can find a growing selection of Halo Apps in the Halo App Store on Vallum's website.

The Halo Manager trial download is a fully-working version for 30 days. You can upgrade to a permanent license at any time during the trial from within the application.

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