Verypdf hookprinter sdk

VeryPDF HookPrinter SDK

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HookPrinter - Intercept data being sent to a printer, print capture software, capture print job, Capturing Text Printer Output to a Database. With VeryPDF HookPrinter SDK software, you can capture printer output that would normally go to a communications port such as LPT1. Useful for second stage processing such as creating PDF files, ripping, or distribution of printer output. Intercept data sent to a Windows printer, Capture a print job.

Features of HookPrinter SDK
VeryPDF HookPrinter SDK supports SDK and Command Line interfaces.
Captures printer output from nearly any type of printer driver.
User selectable assignment of extension (eg: ps, prn, spl, pcl, dat).
Supports specify a folder for generated spool files, e.g., D:\spool, etc..
Optionally store files in the user, computer, printer, or driver subdirectory.
Run executable file upon completion (eg: exe, bat, com, cmd).
Supports Terminal Services.
Supports Cluster Servers.
Delete original output file upon successful termination o