Weather and tornadoes for minecraft

Weather and Tornadoes for Minecraft

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In terms of atmosphere, this mod adds a lot to the Minecraft world. Just wait for the weather to change from a bright sunny day to a mildly annoying rain and then to a giant F5 tornado picking up everything in the way and send it flying.

If you want some more excitement and unpredictability you need to have this mod on your installation, just be careful to not be caught in the wind!

And the best thing, with Easy Mod Installer, no manual configuration needed.

Wouldnt your life be easier if you were able to install Minecraft mods with just a couple of clicks?

EasyMod Installer was created to do just that! It installs and configure your Minecraft Launcher for you to run your favorite mod with just one click on a icon on your desktop!

No more looking up on the internet for instructions on how to install a mod.

No more hours spent creating profiles, making backups, looking up for dependencies and messing with internal configuration for everything to work as it should.

Easy install an

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