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XPathLister counts elements and attributes in a set of xml documents. It can recursively process multiple directories, analize all xml documents found and provide a report of each possible XPaths that are found and their frequency of occurance. This comes handy when you are presented with a set of xml files but left without any DTD / XML Schema. How do you know what the XML looks like? How do you start developing an XML schema if you need one? XPathLister provides you with a summary of all elements and attributes that occur in the XML files and their frequencies so that you can comprehend the full set of XML tags that can appear, and whether they are optional or required, and perhaps cardinality too. Resulting output is usually easier to grasp compared to DTD, or XML Schema (xsd) files. XPathLister allows you to quickly get familiar with new XML content and increase your productivity with it's natural and intuitive presentation of XML data.

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