Computer (archive 5)

Computers educational software

Computer Dictionary Basic Computer Terms

Computer Dictionary Basic Computer Terms

Computer Dictionary: What is RAM or Memory, and What is a Hard Drive. A simple explanation of these basic computer terms -- basic computer terminology in Plain English.

3D Graphics 102 for Mac OSX

3D Graphics 102 for Mac OSX

3D e-Learning Program - Learn advanced 3D modelling There are over 30 tutorials to teach you how to build castles, dragons, formula 1 cars, game characters, dolphins, buildings an ...

3D Graphics 101 for Mac OSX

3D Graphics 101 for Mac OSX

3D e-Learning Program - Learn 3D modelling fundamentals There are over 30 tutorials to teach you how to build castles, dragons, formula 1 cars, game characters, dolphins, building ...

3D Fundamentals for Mac OSX

3D Fundamentals for Mac OSX

3D e-Learning Program - Learn 3D modelling fundamentals There are over 30 tutorials to teach you how to build castles, dragons, formula 1 cars, game characters, dolphins, building ...

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