Mathematics (archive 27)

Mathematics software

Fibonacci Phi Generator

Fibonacci Phi Generator

Generate custom Fibonnaci and Tribonacci sequences with this small mathematics tool. Select your own custom starting numbers. These numbers will be used to generate these special m ...

JXCirrus Maths for Windows

JXCirrus Maths for Windows

Quick and easy training application for times tables and other basic maths. Set up custom exercises based on times tables, addition, subtraction and division. Lets you race agai ...

Prime Number Counter

Prime Number Counter

A prime number (or a prime) is a natural number greater than 1 that has no positive divisors other than 1 and itself. Prime Number Counter is a small utility to calculate the prime ...

JXCirrus Maths for Mac

JXCirrus Maths for Mac

Quick and easy training application for times tables and other basic maths. Set up custom exercises based on times tables, addition, subtraction and division. Lets you race agai ...

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