Other (archive 57)

Other educational software

Полигон Про: Карта план

Полигон Про: Карта план

"Polygon Pro: Map plan" for the design of the card (plan) of object of land management, for documents concerning the establishment, change, termination of existence of zones with s ...

Полигон Про: Изменения кадастра

Полигон Про: Изменения кадастра

"Polygon Pro: Modified inventory" for the preparation of electronic documents to make changes in the characteristics of land plots and real estate objects in state cadastre of real ...

Полигон Про: Границы субъекта

Полигон Про: Границы субъекта

"Polygon: the Boundaries of the subject" is used for automation of the card (plan) of object of land management - in borders between subjects of the Russian Federation, borders of ...

Полигон Про: Градостроительный план

Полигон Про: Градостроительный план

"The landfill is About: the development plan" is designed for registration of the urban plan of land in accordance with the requirements of the new order of the Ministry of constru ...

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