Teaching & Training Tools (archive 43)

Teaching and training software and tools

MZ MagicBrain

MZ MagicBrain

MZ MagicBrain is a flashcard learning tool. Users can create sets of flashcards. The flashcards can be as simple text or images. In MZ MagicBrain each card has these fields: 1- ...

Solfeggio Studio for Piano Mac Edition

Solfeggio Studio for Piano Mac Edition

The best software for learning perfect pitch, relative pitch, and sheet music. Master note grammar, tone recognition, intervals, chords, scales, and tempo for different instrument ...

ListeningSingingTeacher Mac

ListeningSingingTeacher Mac

Listening Singing Teacher helps you to sing in tune and in rhythm. The visual feedbacks for pitch, beat and loudness allow you to train your "mental ear" by aiming the pitch in you ...



Best Reader, the speed reading software for mastering speed reading in two weeks. After 15 one-hour studies with the Best Reader you will increase your reading speed up to 10 times ...

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