Board (archive 1)

Board games and entertainment software

3D Chinese Checkers Unlimited

3D Chinese Checkers Unlimited

A fine 3D Chinese checkers to challenge the computer locally at various levels or other players on network like Internet. International or British checker board and rules. Various ...

3D Checkers Unlimited

3D Checkers Unlimited

For players at all levels challenging the computer. International or British checker board and rules. Various 3D camera settings and view in 2D. Stroke suggested and ability of pla ...

3D Backgammon Unlimited

3D Backgammon Unlimited

A combination of luck and strategy game, the Backgammon is played under hundreds of variants since the high antiquity. 3D version, ergonomic intuitive interface, multiplayer game l ...

3D Backgammon

3D Backgammon

Backgammon 3D is a 3D visualization of a classical board game - Backgammon. Now you can play with your computer not only on a flat screen, but also enjoy 3D operations.

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