Card (archive 18)

Card games and entertainment software

Party Gammon

Party Gammon

Party Gammon is the leading online Backgammon room in the world, that great variety of backgammon games. Plus, our easy-to-use software lets you create an account and start playing ...



EvDeluxe provides you with everything you need to know about professional poker at Everest Poker.

Pinup Strip Poker

Pinup Strip Poker

Pinup Strip Poker invites you to play draw poker against nine different strongly playing beauties. Each opponent has individual strengths and weaknesses. A detailed tutorial teache ...

Pot Odds Calculator

Pot Odds Calculator

Helps users determine when it is mathematically correct to call in a poker hand, given the amount of the pot, the size of the bet, and the number of "outs" or cards that will compl ...

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