Sports (archive 11)

Sports games and entertainment software

10 in 1 Sports games

10 in 1 Sports games

Game collection with 10 free sports games: "Billiards", "Bullseye!", "Flash Golf", "Golf", "Quarter Finals", "Shoot'em In", "Stay the Distance", "Tennis Game", "Virtual Curling", " ...

Air Hockey and Air Soccer for Smartphone

Air Hockey and Air Soccer for Smartphone

1. Player that first reaches 7 scores wins the game. 2. 2 types of manipulation: tapping the screen or using keypad 3 types of games: Classic, Arcade , Championship In classic ga ...

Golden Gloves Boxing

Golden Gloves Boxing

Golden Gloves Boxing Championship is the ultimate free boxing game that everyone has been waiting for. The action is simply unbeatable by any other games out there.

Touch-type car-racing

Touch-type car-racing

Touch-type car-racing is a captivating game helping to acquire quick and correct keyboarding skills. The player controls movements of a car by typing commands on the keyboard.

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