Editors (archive 33)

Graphics editing software

Softi ScanWiz

Softi ScanWiz

ScanWiz is a scanning Software program for Microsoft Windows. it can create multi-page Pdf,s & tiff's even with a flatbed scanner. Its can Scan to PDF, Scan to Tiff and has automat ...

Softi ScanWiz V2

Softi ScanWiz V2

ScanWiz is a scanner Software program for Microsoft Windows. it can create multi-page Pdf,s & tiff's even with a flatbed scanner. Its can Scan to PDF, Scan to Tiff and has automati ...

Cosmetic Guide

Cosmetic Guide

Not pleased with the wrinkles, expression lines and puffy eyes? Are you unhappy with a large birthmark? Now you can correct it right on photos! Your virtual cosmetic bag offers the ...

Hornil StylePix

Hornil StylePix

Hornil StylePix, or simply StylePix, is a graphics editing program with a number of advanced features. Stylepix is an acronym for Style Pictures. Stylepix is an acronym for "Style ...

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