Personal Finance (archive 41)

Personal finance software

CSV2OFX Converter

CSV2OFX Converter

Convert .QIF files from your bank, credit card, or brokerage firm to .OFX files. Instant, One-Step Conversions. Straightforward Interface. Worldwide Functionality. Advanced Secur ...

5 Icons Income

5 Icons Income

Are you tired of the traditional boring and dizzying digital bookkeeping? If so, please try 5 Icons Income! It uses the original 5-icon viewpoint to show your incomes, displays you ...

Finance Manager

Finance Manager

Finance Manager is a basic, easy to use program to keep track of your bank accounts, income and expenses. It helps you manage your bills and automatic payments, and it also include ...

CSV2QIF Convert

CSV2QIF Convert

Convert .CSV files from your bank, credit card, or brokerage firm to .QIF files suitable for Quicken. Instant, One-Step Conversions. Straightforward Interface. Worldwide Function ...

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