File Sharing/Peer to Peer (archive 35)

File sharing and per to per sharing tools

Zapya for Android

Zapya for Android

Zapya, the fastest way to share files wirelessly! Share without cables, share without limit. Share files from device to device without cables. Transfer files of any format and size ...

Shareaza PRO

Shareaza PRO

Shareaza Pro is a free Windows-based peer-to-peer client which empowers users to share, search for anddownload any type of media files on most poplar P2P network protocols includin ...

MP3 Torpedo

MP3 Torpedo

MP3 Torpedo is a fork of the very popular LimeWire Gnutella client. The purpose of MP3 Torpedo is to keep andmaintain the freedoms that LimeWire may be forced to withdraw.



DexterWire is a fork of the very popular LimeWire Gnutella client. The purpose of DexterWire is to keep and maintain the freedoms that LimeWire has been forced to withdraw.

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