File Sharing/Peer to Peer (archive 65)

File sharing and per to per sharing tools

SoftMine Accelerator for Ares Galaxy

SoftMine Accelerator for Ares Galaxy

Softmine Accelerator for Ares Galaxy is a complementary software designed to potentiate the capabilities and performance of the p2p filesharing client Ares Galaxy.



SharinHood is a p2p file sharing software rich in features and options as well as p2p networks where you can easily find the file you are looking for. It comes with support for Bit ...



Xcelerator is a reliable download-accelerator patch built for the ultimate download performance. In spite its very small size, Xcelerator brings high-tech architecture to add extra ...

Gnutella Turbo

Gnutella Turbo

Gnutella Turbo utilizes a totally decentralized peer to peer network, and is the most advanced file sharingapplication around. Trade any type of file: mp3, video, images, software, ...

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