Encryption Tools (archive 8)

Encryption Tools



HandyCrypto hides folders and secures files with on-the-fly AES encryption. With HandyCrypto, there is no need to decrypt each file before you use it and re-encrypt it again when y ...

Handy Safe for Sony Ericsson

Handy Safe for Sony Ericsson

Handy Safe - Assistant for secure and convenient managing of sensitive data for Sony Ericsson P910 / P900 / P800 (Symbian UIQ)



Bluetooth PIN and LINK-KEY Cracker - BTCrack reconstructs the PIN and LINK-KEY with data sniffed during a pairing exchange. The calculated PIN can be used to authenticate against a ...

Free File Encryptor

Free File Encryptor

File Encryptor is a small, but yet poweful and easy to use file encryption utility. It allows you to encrypt your important files with an industrial-strength encryption algorithm.

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