Other Server Applications (archive 3)

Other server software and applications

SQL Runner

SQL Runner

SQL Runner is a small utility that lets you store and run SQL scripts against MySQL servers. It lets you build Script Sets that contain as many SQL scripts as you want. Each script ...

Parallels Server for Mac

Parallels Server for Mac

Parallels Server for Mac is a powerful and easy-to-use virtualization solution that provides the best value for organizations to standardize and optimize their IT infrastructures.

3 tier FrontEnd for MS-Access

3 tier FrontEnd for MS-Access

Its based entirely on the n-tier technology. One at least application server must be istalled near the MS-Access database. The clients can be installed anywere in the Internet



Share files with your friends or with the world by email. Easy and safe ! Like a filesharing server (+remote access) but through your regular email client. Emails are easy to use, ...

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