File Compression (archive 18)

File compression tools

The Extractor

The Extractor

100% free. Easy-to-use and works with all windows versions. Integrated into windows, supports drag and drop, spanned archives and password protected files. You can queue any number ...

CatCompress 32-bit

CatCompress 32-bit

CatCompress is a popular arhive manager software with a high compression ratio. Fully supported format: catcp, zip, 7z, tar, and wim, that includes compressed and extracted too; Su ...

SuperZip - Zip/Unzip Utility

SuperZip - Zip/Unzip Utility

SuperZip - the quick and easy way to zip and unzip files. Step-by-step tutorial guides users through the process quickly and painlessly.

Smart Zipper Pro

Smart Zipper Pro

Smart Zipper Pro for Mac is a professional archiving app, which can easily create, extract and preview major archive files like ZIP, RAR, 7z and more ( Over 20 popular formats )

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