File Compression (archive 22)

File compression tools

PDF Shrink

PDF Shrink

Are your pdf files to big? With PDF Shrink you have to ultimate tool to compress existing pdf files. The program compresses all pictures in the pdf file with the JPEG2000 (color pi ...

Appnimi Jar Expander

Appnimi Jar Expander

Appnimi JAR Expander is an ultimate tool to extract JAR files. From developers to network administrators, the need for the tool is extensive.

File Spliter

File Spliter

Utility to split files to a number of smaller parts. This helps fit a large file in several diskets or CDs and, on arrival, assemble all parts back together, recreating the origina ...

NXPowerLite Desktop

NXPowerLite Desktop

Compress PDF, JPEG, Word documents, Excel spreadsheets and PowerPoint presentations. Files remain in their original format, with no discernible loss of quality - & there's no need ...

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