Shell Tools (archive 7)

Shell tools



WatchOverEnergy program can activate stand-by mode for monitor when you are not using PC and when no important programs are running. Also, it will track energy saving in both watt- ...

True Eraser

True Eraser

TrueEraser is an advanced security tool for Windows, which allows you to completely remove sensitive data from your compute.TrueEraser implements the Department of Defense standard ...

Taskbar Button Manager

Taskbar Button Manager

Taskbar Button Manager is a simple utility that helps you arrange the buttons on your Windows taskbar in any way you want by using drag and drop. Moving your task buttons is very e ...

Boot-up system (autorun)

Boot-up system (autorun)

Boot-up system is freeware program which enable auto run of application on CD/DVD/Blu-Ray/HD-DVD media. Program works on all Windows environment.

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