Flash Tools (archive 11)

Adobe Flash tools and software

Image Recognition Web Test Plugin

Image Recognition Web Test Plugin

It is the world's first technology that allows you to automate and test web sites using images instead of cumbersome X/Y coordinates. It relies only upon the images that are render ...

Image Gallery Pro

Image Gallery Pro

Image Gallery Pro is advanced Flash 8 component that lets you view your image collections at once and select the ones you want in a snap. You can click on any thumbnails to quickly ...

Golden UK Map

Golden UK Map

Golden UK Map. Special visual effect. Features: - Color, URL linking, captions and more; - Intuitive Flash Map Interface; - Ease of Use; - Customizations via an XML file; www.fla-s ...

Golden SpotsMap of USA

Golden SpotsMap of USA

USA Flash Map Locator. Special visual effect. Features: - Color, URL linking, captions and more; - Intuitive Flash Map Interface; - Ease of Use; - Customizations via an XML file; w ...

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