Flash Tools (archive 17)

Adobe Flash tools and software

Tab Menu

Tab Menu

Flash navigation system for web sites. Can be easy configured with a text editor, all you need to do is upload menu.swf and menu.xml, then open menu.xml with a text editor like not ...

Polar SWF MetaData

Polar SWF MetaData

You can now include metadata within your Flash movies (SWF files). By adding a title and description to your Flash document, search engines have the potential to index more of your ...

SWF Movie Player for Mac

SWF Movie Player for Mac

SWF Movie Player is a free small flash player designed for Mac OS. Based on the Macromedia Flash player it has unique features that allow you to create and manage playlists, zoom t ...

Spain Online Map Locator

Spain Online Map Locator

Spain Online Map Locator 1.0. Special visual effect. Features: - Color, URL linking, captions and more; - Online map for websites; - Ease of Use; - Customizations via an XML file; ...

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