Flash Tools (archive 22)

Adobe Flash tools and software

Flash Mega Zoom

Flash Mega Zoom

Mega Zoom is a tool to allow high-resolution images observation using Macromedia Flash. The user can then easily zoom in a close-up portion of a thumbnail and navigate to specific ...

Quick Flash Gallery

Quick Flash Gallery

Flash component: gallery customizable with different size of images. It allows You to create a Gallery with different size of images (maximum dimension is 2000x2000 for each image) ...

Flash XML Menu

Flash XML Menu

Our Flash XML is a multifunctional tool. It: completely XML driven; has unlimited menu items; offers customized look ; features 3 pre-designed menu skins; is equipped with automati ...

Art Flash Gallery SWF Object

Art Flash Gallery SWF Object

Art Flash Gallery SWF Object is based on Adobe Flash (cs3) technology. It will help you easily post any images on your site in a matter of minutes.

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