Flash Tools (archive 35)

Adobe Flash tools and software

3D Stack Builder XML

3D Stack Builder XML

The 3D Stack Builder is so unique that nothing like it can be found elsewhere. It displays images in a 3D Stack formation. With 12 default presets and more than 50 XML settings you ...

SWF Protector for PC

SWF Protector for PC

SWF Protector allows you to encrypt your Flash movie and don't have a fear that your valuable artwork will be stolen. It uses four different protection algorithms that allow SWF fi ...

FDesk e-Publisher

FDesk e-Publisher

FDesk e-Publisher converts a static PDF file into flip page e-publication in minutes. You can also create a flip album by importing a series of JPG files. The result can be posted ...

Eltima Flash Optimizer

Eltima Flash Optimizer

Flash Optimizer is a feature-rich SWF compression utility. It reduces SWF files size up to 60-70% with minimum quality loss by using amazing algorithms of vectors, shapes, morphing ...

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