Flash Tools (archive 7)

Adobe Flash tools and software

Flash Magnifying Glass

Flash Magnifying Glass

Flash Magnifying Glass is the software flash gadget capable of making magnifying glass effect in your flash movie or HTML page. Flash Magnifying Glass can also be used to preview ...

Flash Mega Zoom

Flash Mega Zoom

Mega Zoom is a tool to allow high-resolution images observation using Macromedia Flash. The user can then easily zoom in a close-up portion of a thumbnail and navigate to specific ...

Flash Gallery Builder

Flash Gallery Builder

Flash Gallery Builder provides a quick and easy way to create photo albums and Flash gallery with cool themes and templates. Flash Gallery Builder provide 4 view modes: Thumbnails ...

Flash Decompiler Trillix for Mac

Flash Decompiler Trillix for Mac

Flash Decompiler Trillix converts Flash SWF files back into FLA format in one click. It offers a number of unique algorithms to extract all Flash objects from SWF file and store th ...

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