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AyaNova has powerful features to help manage all aspects of your service.

Use AyaNova service workorders to schedule individual or multiple users, enter in TO DO tasks, identify equipment that is to be serviced to maintain a service history, identify parts used in service, track service labor for each workorder item, as well as travel and miscellaneous expenses. Automatically assign labor against banked service that a client has pre-paid for.

Utilize staff notifications and client notifications so all always up to date.

Create preventive maintenance for a client and/or their units that auto-convert to service workorders.
Create quotes that can be auto-converted to service workorders.

AyaNova includes an Outlook-style graphical Schedule screen where you can view multiple scheduled users at one time, as well as individual scheduled users. Create new workorders, edit existing, create views to display based on skills, certificates, as well as dispatch zones and regions that scheduled

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