Work order

Work Order

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If your company issues work orders to outside contractors, our program can save you time and money! Create, issue, and keep track of great looking Work Orders. Flexible, easy to operate, single or multi-user.

Does not force you to conform to any pre-determined format. You simply type in the instructions you wish to issue, in whatever manner works for you. Based on commercial real estate applications, but flexible enough to be used in virtually any industry.

Do virtually all your work on a single computer screen form - no switching back and forth between different windows. If you've been wanting to get away from using pre-printed forms or individual letter-type orders, but haven't been able to find any reasonably priced software, this is the answer.

Allows you to build a database of standard instructions - stock text that you regularly include in orders. Simply double-click any item and it is instantly added to your document. Build the complete order instructions by any combination

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