Help development studio

Help Development Studio

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All modern software applications, no matter how large or small, need to have clear, concise, well-structured, and easily navigated Help systems. Generating such a system is often considered to be a difficult task, however, creating a help file can be as easy as writing a document in a word processor. All you need to do is simply select the most appropriate help authoring program for the job!
Help Development Studio is a popular help authoring tool, designed to create WinHelp (.HLP), HTML Help (.CHM), and Web Help (.HTML) files from the same source. This is a full-featured, stand-alone, complete help authoring tool, which includes all that's necessary for the quick and easy creation of high quality help documentation for your software application. There is NO need to know any of the technical aspects of creating help files, working with the help compiler, or editing the help topic source code in RTF or HTML.
Help Development Studio is the only help authoring tool to offer such power com

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