Helpbreeze html help/javahelp edition

HelpBreeze HTML Help/JavaHelp Edition

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HelpBreeze HTML Help/JavaHelp Edition is a complete visual environment for creating Microsoft HTML Help (.chm) files as well as Sun JavaHelp files. HTML Help is Microsoft's online help system, and is the standard in Windows 98, Windows 2000, and Windows XP. JavaHelp is Sun's standard system for providing online help in Java applications.

HelpBreeze HTML Help/JavaHelp Edition offers a powerful WYSIWYG HTML editor integrated with drag and drop tools for creating the table of contents, index and other elements of HTML Help systems. You can choose to use HelpBreeze's HTML Editor, or the product will integrate directly with the 3rd party editor of your choice (DreamWeaver, FrontPage, etc.) You can preview, compile and test your help files from within the authoring environment. HelpBreeze automatically generates the files required to link your HTML Help file to an application, and works directly with Visual Basic to make it easy to add HTML Help to your VB programs. HelpBreeze also allows y

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