Modbus opc server

Modbus OPC server

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The OPC server provides the OPC clients (any advanced SCADA systems) with an access to devices, supporting the MODBUS protocol.

To have a trial run of the software product, you can use, absolutely free of charge, 30 tags without any time limit. To handle more than 30 tags, you can use a 30-day fully functional trial period.

Key functions

Supported MODBUS functions: 1,2,3,4,5,6,15,16
Supported communication channels: COM port, TCP connection
Opportunity to use an extended list of communication channel types (CSD, GPRS, etc.), using the Modem Communication Channel Module special software
Opportunity to poll tag groups of the device at varying intervals
Interaction with the OPC clients in accordance with the OPC DA specifications, version 2.05a
Service operation function (Windows OS Service)
Group setting of tags
Configuration import/export in the CSV format (with a report file formatting)
Ability to survey and view tag values w

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