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I don’t know about you but I don’t like to diet. Several in our family needed to shed a few pounds and get in better condition so my daughters signed us up for “Slim Down Sandy.” The name tells it all.

Our city promotes slimming down and living a better lifestyle. Over 400 people signed up this year. I guess we all had some of the same problems. To help encourage us in our goal of slimming down, those who lost at least 10 pounds received awards, information and our names were placed into drawings and we all won prizes.

For ten weeks we received an email from the city. We got the Exercise Tip of the Week and the Nutrition Tip of the Week. We were invited to walk in the park with everyone.

Here are some of the Nutrition Tips we received in our “Slim Down Sandy” weekly email:

Don’t give in When you Eat Out or are on the Go
It’s important to watch portion sizes and make smart food decisions wherever you are.

* At the grocery store, plan ahead by buying nutrient rich foods f

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